
Customer Support Rep.
years of experience
My LinkedIn

Favorite thing about CX roles?

My favorite thing is having the opportunity to solve customer problems and make a difference in their day! Changing a client's perspective and demeanor towards a situation or problem into a more positive one is always a rewarding experience

Biggest learning in my career.

Every challenging situation is an opportunity to learn, grow and improve! Even if it doesn’t look that way

Proudest moment of my career.

It’s always nice to have positive feedback from customers but I believe the proudest moment of my career is yet to come! I’m eager to keep learning and improving in my field

Ambitions for the future.

Having gained all the necessary experience to truly have mastery in all the different facets of customer support. I hope to be graduated from college and have my psychology degree to be able to add my studies to my growing skill set. I see myself working remotely in a position that challenges me and offers me room for growth

Things I've written

Have a look at some of my posts.
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